War and morality: Call for Papers
Szeretnénk felhívni a figyelmet a háború és a moralitás kapcsolatával foglalkozó, az Országos Rabbiképző-Zsidó Egyetemmel közösen szerveződő angol nyelvű konferenciánkra (2025. június 11-12.), melyre várjuk a jelentkezéseket!
Call for Papers
War and Morality: Philosophical and Historical Perspectives
The Ludovika University of Public Service (NKE) and the Jewish Theological Seminary - University of Jewish Studies (OR-ZSE) are pleased to announce a joint academic conference on the theme of “War and Morality”, to be held in Budapest, Hungary.
This interdisciplinary event will explore the complex interplay between war and morality, bringing together scholars from the fields of philosophy, history, political science, theology, and related disciplines.
Conference Themes
We invite proposals for papers that engage with the following topics, among others:
• Philosophical reflections on the ethics of war, including just war theory and pacifism
• Historical case studies of ethical dilemmas in warfare
• Religious and cultural perspectives on war and morality
• The ethics of military strategies, technologies, and interventions (including the use of AI in wars)
• The role of international law and institutions in shaping ethical frameworks for war
• Ethical challenges in asymmetric and hybrid warfare
• War-crimes, post-war justice, reconciliation, and memory
The ethics of the “war on terror” and counterterrorism operations, including targeted killings
There is no conference participation fee, and accommodation is provided for speakers.
Key Details
• Date: 11-12 June, 2025
• Location: Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem, Országos Rabbiképző – Zsidó Egyetem, Budapest, Hungary
• Language: English
Submission Guidelines
We welcome abstracts of no more than 300 words, accompanied by a brief biography (100 words). Proposals for individual papers and thematic panels are both encouraged.
Submissions should be sent to warandmorality@gmail.com by 15 May 2025. Notification of acceptance will be sent by 20 May 2025.
Publication Opportunities
Selected papers from the conference may be considered for publication in a peer-reviewed volume.
For further information, please contact warandmorality@gmail.com.
We look forward to your contributions and to welcoming you to a stimulating dialogue on the ethical dimensions of war.