After the Second World War, Christian democracy played a significant role in the
reconstruction of Europe and in launching European integrity, which finally led to the
foundation of the European Union. The international scientific conference organized by the
Ludovika University of Public Service, held on the 70th anniversary of the death of Italian
Christian Democratic politician Alcide de Gasperi and the 20th anniversary of the EU’s
Eastern Enlargement, aims to present the phenomenon of Christian democracy from Western
and Eastern European perspectives. The conference will discuss theoretical concepts related
to Christian democracy and empirical findings based on the history of the movement.
IDŐPONT: 2024. szeptember 30. (hétfő), 08.00-16.00
HELYSZÍN: Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem | Ludovika Főépület, Széchenyi Díszterem (1083 Budapest, Ludovika tér 2.)
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