2023. november 17-én 9.00 órai kezdettel kerül megrendezésre az MTKI szervezésében a "Thomas Molnar in Context" című konferencia.
Helyszín: Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem, Ludovika Főépület, Zrínyi terem
9:00 Registration
9:30. AK Molnar – Opening Rermarks
9:40 – 10:50 1.session
Chair: AK Molnar
Tamás Kucsera – “The discussion is carried on.” Hommage à Tamás Molnár
Alvino-Mario Fantini – Preliminary Observations & Remarks on Thomas Molnar, Catholic Counter-Revolutionary
Gábor Megadja – Lessons from Thomas Molnar’s Bernanos
10:50 Break
11:00 – 12:10 2. session
Chair: Mario Fantini
Jan Bentz – Thomas Molnar and Thomism
Wolfgang Fenske -Thomas Molnar's Dispute with Armin Mohler as a Crossroads of German Conservatism
Dusan Dostanic - The Question of Intellectual: Maurras and Molnar
12:10 - 13:10 Break
3. session 13:10 – 14:20
Michal Semin - How Would Thomas Molnar address the Synod on Synodality
Áron Czopf - Thomas Molnar’s criticism of existentialism
Till Kinzel - Thomas Molnar and the critique of political utopianism in the 20th century
Zoltán Pető – Thomas Molnar and the Critique of Liberal Hegemony
14:20 Break
14:30 – 15:40 4. session
Miguel Ayuso - The "two powers" at the crossroads of theology, philosophy and history
John Rao - Americanism and Pluralism
Eric Kos - Thomas Molnar in Late-modernity
15:40 - AK Molnar Closing remarks